Monday, May 19, 2008


I wanted to post the graffiti name I made for my friend Julia and the sketch of the carpe diem tattoo I drew for my other friend Connie. But Ellie was absent today and we have a history presentation tomorrow, she was supposed to put all the information together (she wasn't planing to do any research) and I was left with three guys and eventually got them working but end up doing about 3 times more work than I was supposed to. And I have an art evaluation due tomorrow which I hadn't even started. Now it isn't great but oh well.

Plus it was a perfect scan day. My dad had to work late or something so I would have had full use of the computer and photoshop :(

On top of that I feel like shit again I have a runny nose, it hurts to breath, my ears hurt and my sinuses even my eyes! Plus I'm constantly sneezing and coughing. I just want it to be over and preferably not miss school - exams soon.

anyways pictures!
It's the usual scan of sketch first then the photoshopped versions

I got the inspiration from a
commercial promoting their new CD on ITV2 (or 1 not sure) I love the way they have the large R and D too... and I just looked them up on youtube and found a single - way good.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Graffiti Alphabet

I got this alphabet from flickr (I forgot who though) and decided to separate the letters out:
I drew them with pencil and then used iPhoto to make the letters black:
I made some alternate options for the k and r:

I watched Maid of Honor yesterday. Such a cute movie. I have more eye sketches, o.k. one more and I'll post them one I can be bothered to scan them. Scanning is such a hassle, I have to take my printer/scanner down to my dad's computer as it doesn't work on my Apple and I can't find the charger for my old laptop, which works as long as I don't turn on my wireless. 

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

ASCII format

I put the original eyes from a previous post in ASCII format:
I love this! I am now totally obsessed with it!

I'm having trouble sleeping again... I am back to listening to my iPod for an hour with a song on repeat to fall asleep.

Potato Bug

I made this in 6th grade in my 'high school level' art class. It's a 'potato bug'. You can't see it on the picture but two of the legs are detached we tried super glueing them to the body a few times but that didn't work out to well till we tricked a professional into doing it for us. I love the colors.
I did this with a website ( that converts any picture into ASCII format. I thought it looked pretty cool.

I had a killer head ache today and stayed home from school, and now my stomach is churning. I have softball practice tomorrow. YAY. 

Monday, May 12, 2008


I had off of school today, always good. It's the last holiday till the end of school.

Sunday, May 11, 2008


These are the eyes I told you about:
the first ones which we drew on thursday:
this was the original
this was my first attempt at it
this was Ellie's drawing
this was my second attempt which was slightly better.
this is the second eye:
i don't really like this one but it was really hard. The picture was completely photoshopped.
this one is by Ellie and it is amazing however the original is better the shading is more subtle however my scanner doesn't realize it.

yesterday (just it's almost midnight) we had softball and we lost :( however it unfair as it was 'co-ed' and their one girl and humungous 10th to 12th grade guys were way better than your 6th to 11th grade girls team with some 6th grade boys. However we mixed teams and had a lot of fun. and now my legs ache so much...

Friday, May 9, 2008

Mother's Day

This is the card I made for Mother's Day on Adobe Photoshop.

I went to the dentist yesterday and had local anesthetic applied, I now have pain in my jaw :(

Me and my friend Ellie started sketching eyes during class I might scan them in and post them some time sone.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Moments Pass

I got the inspiration for this collage in art class, well if you can call it a collage i think there are too many spaces to be one but i still like it... I named it Moments Pass, due to the watch and the writing that says: What will you remember? I got all the pieces from and old (sticky) magazine used to lino-print and use spray-mount on. The g is there just because those curly ones are my favorite letter.

We had a softball game yesterday against Zurich, my first one ever! We won! Basel-15, Zurich-4.